How much of politics is about who you like?

(written by lawrence krubner, however indented passages are often quotes). You can contact lawrence at:, or follow me on Twitter.

I think this is very true. Much of politics is about who you like. I think intellectuals build elaborate verbal excuses to explain their politics, but in their politics are mostly determined by who they like.

The Madoff affair, as you may know, was a classic case of “affinity fraud”; Madoff was able to gain the trust of wealthy Jews by persuading them that he was their kind of guy. Affinity fraud lies behind a lot of financial scams — and it lies behind a lot of political scams too.

Right now, the campaign against OWS basically tries to get working Americans to turn on the movement, even though most people support the movement’s goals, by trying to make it seem as if the protestors are people not like you — whereas the plutocrats are. Hey, this has worked many times in the past; that’s the whole point of “What’s the matter with Kansas.” And it can operate in many directions: OWS should be shunned because they’re dirty hippies, Elizabeth Warren is not-like-you because, horrors, she’s a Harvard professor.

And now that I think of it, the generalized theory of affinity fraud extends beyond politics to things like financial analysis. I’ve marveled now and then on this blog about the continued popularity on Wall Street of inflationistas, who have been wrong about everything. I suspect that a lot of it is that economists who issue dire warnings about deficits and money growth come across as the kind of people they’d like to hang out with at the golf course, whereas bearded professors don’t.

So what to do? Within limits, one should try to allay unnecessary social dissonance. If you’re going to have a demonstration on behalf of working Americans, can the drumming circles. The class warriors on the right want to convince people it’s really a culture war, and you don’t want to make their job easier.

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