Maybe you should write fan fiction

(written by lawrence krubner, however indented passages are often quotes). You can contact lawrence at:, or follow me on Twitter.

This is great:

You know when professional writers say, “We’re not writing fan fiction”? My immediate reaction is almost always – well, maybe you should be.

Maybe you should be the fan writer who spends a lovingly long time getting into characters’ heads and making sure they’re internally consistent? Who cares more about interactions and dynamics than pulling the rug out from under audiences’ feet.

Maybe you should be the fan writer who chooses to show characters in love even if they’re not M/F, white, cis & invariably middle class.

Maybe you should be the fan writer who cross-references and checks with what they’ve written before so that they don’t contradict themselves and who cares a lot about getting it right.

Maybe you should be the fan writer who writes stories simply to share them with an audience who will enjoy them and doesn’t add plot elements merely for shock value, but because it suits the story they’re telling.

Maybe you should be the fan writer who plays with tropes that are fun and entertaining and light-hearted and no less brilliant for it. Or who writes hurt/comfort and actually follows through on the comfort.

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