Clojure programming is a branch of Java programming

(written by lawrence krubner, however indented passages are often quotes). You can contact lawrence at:, or follow me on Twitter.

As I learned Clojure, the big surprise was how much I had to learn Java. There are a thousand places where some knowledge of Java programming is needed (and assumed). An example:

The only occassions I’m finding pmap useful
is for coarse-grain concurrency…In other words I’m only using pmap
where i ‘d use Executors. Usually, when mapping a very expensive fn
(that needs no coordination) across a very large collection of roughly
equally-sized elements. In these cases I’m getting proper linear speedup
and i don’t see why wouldn’t I.

Of course, if you have never used Executors, this doesn’t add much insight.

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  1. 1!msg/clojure/48W2eff3caU/N6TXzan_tC8J