Getting useful info out of git logs

(written by lawrence krubner, however indented passages are often quotes). You can contact lawrence at:, or follow me on Twitter.


git churn
It’s possible to get valuable insight from history of a project not only by viewing individual commits, but by analyzing sets of changes as a whole. For instance, git-churn is a simple but valuable script that wraps git log to compile stats about which files change the most. For example, to see where the development of an app was focused on in the past 6 months:

$ git churn –since=’6 months ago’ app/ | tail
Incidentally, such analysis also highlights potential problems with technical debt in a project. A specific file changing too often is generally a red flag, since it probably means that the code in that file either needed to be frequently fixed for bugs, or that the file holds too much responsibility in general and should be split into smaller units.

Similar methods of history analysis can be employed to see which people were responsible recently for development of a certain part of the codebase. For instance, to see who contributed most often to the API part of an application:

$ git log –format=’%an’ –since=’6 months ago’ app/controllers/api/ | \
sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head

109 Edmond Dantès
13 Jonathan Livingston
7 Ebanezer Scrooge
Being on the right side of history

Keep in mind that everything that you’re making today is going to enter the project’s history and stay there forever. To be nicer to other people who work with you (even if it’s a solo project, that includes yourself in 3 months), follow these ground rules when making commits:

Always write commit messages as if you are explaining the change to a colleague sitting next to you who has no idea of what’s going on. Per Thoughtbot’s tips for better commit messages:

Answer the following questions:

Why is this change necessary?
How does it address the issue?
What side effects does this change have?
Consider including a link [to the discussion.]
Avoid unrelated changes in a single commit. You might have spotted a typo or did tiny code refactoring in the same file where you made some other changes, but resist the temptation to record them together with the main change unless they’re directly related.

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