Is Objective C a modern language?

(written by lawrence krubner, however indented passages are often quotes). You can contact lawrence at:, or follow me on Twitter.

If you need speed, use C. If speed is not your primary concern, then most developers today expect languages to help them with memory management — everything I’ve done for the last 10 years (PHP, Java, Ruby) has had automatic garbage collection. So why does Objective C still force developers to manage memory? Is this a modern language, or a holdover from an earlier time?

Objective-C is a product of the 1980s, when it kind of made sense that your program would crash if you did this:
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@”Hello”, @”World”];
Of course it crashes! You have to add a nil sentinel value to the end of your list of objects, silly. And of course it compiles with only a warning, just like when you leave out the @ that makes the difference between a C string literal and an NSString. Those errors will crash your program as soon as the code is run, but they compile as valid Objective-C. Things like that are just a nuisance if you tell the compiler to treat warnings as errors, though. If you really want to know why Objective-C is hard, why not trust the authorities on Objective-C, namely Apple?
Where Apple tells you you will screw this up is memory management. To start with, there are four different memory management schemes: C memory management for C objects, manual reference counting, automatic reference counting, and garbage collection. You get to choose two, of which C will be one. Objective-C originated as enhancements on top of C, and Objective-C programmers writing Cocoa apps still have to rely on C APIs for some functionality, so you’d think by now they would have provided a better way of managing, say, the arrays of structs you sometimes have to pass to the low-level drawing functions. Nope; everyone still uses malloc and free. Failure to make malloc and free obsolete is hard to forgive.
From the other three memory management methods, pick one. (Different OS versions support different ones.) Automatic reference counting (ARC) is the latest and apparently the new standard, though manual reference counting is still supported, and GC is still supported on Mac OS. Reference counting requires a little bit more thinking than garbage collection. For example, since the Cocoa APIs were written with reference counting in mind, some objects, notably UI delegates, are held as weak references to avoid reference cycles. You basically have to manage those objects manually: create a strong reference to keep the object alive and then delete the strong reference when you decide it’s okay for the object to be collected. (I’m not sure, but I think this is true even if you turn on GC, because delegate references remain weak.)
All reference-counting systems have that problem, but at least they have the benefit of determinism, right? When you pay that much attention to object lifetimes, you get to piggyback other resource management on top of memory management and kill two birds with one stone. (In C++ it’s called RAII, and it’s the saving grace of C++ that almost completely makes up for C++’s other warts.) However, according to Apple, this technique should not be used with Objective-C:
You should typically not manage scarce resources such as file descriptors, network connections, and buffers or caches in a dealloc method. In particular, you should not design classes so that dealloc will be invoked when you think it will be invoked.
Why not? Application tear-down is one issue, but that doesn’t matter for resources that are recovered by the OS when a process terminates. “Bugs” are given as a reason, but I think they mean bugs in application code, not in the Objective-C runtime. The main reason, then, is that if your Objective-C programs leaked file descriptors and network connections as often as they leaked memory, the world would be in a sorry state:

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