John Nunemaker: using EventMachine with Passenger

(written by lawrence krubner, however indented passages are often quotes). You can contact lawrence at:, or follow me on Twitter.


In order to fully explain this post, we first need to cover some back story. Originally, was hosted on Heroku. Recently, we moved to RailsMachine (before the great AWS outage luckily), where we are already happily hosting Harmony.

At Heroku, we were running on 1.9.2 and thin. The most common RailsMachine stack is REE 1.8 and Passenger. Sticking with the common stack meant it would be a far easier and faster transition to Railsmachine, so we tweaked a few things and switched.

Heroku, Thin, and EventMachine
While at Heroku, we had been testing using PusherApp for live updating of analytics as they occurred. The pusher gem has two ways to trigger notifications, trigger (net/http) and trigger_async (em-http-request).

Since Heroku runs on thin, we used trigger_async. This meant that sending the PusherApp notifications in the request cycle was fine, as they did not block.

One of the changes when moving to RailsMachine was switching from trigger_async to trigger. Obviously, having an external HTTP request in your request path is less than ideal, but backgrounding it seemed to go against the whole idea of “live”.

Our response times for average around 5ms, so even with 75-100ms for each PusherApp request, we were still in a normally acceptable response time range (not ok with me, but ok for now).

Pusher Conversation
I contacted the fine folks at Pusher and asked if they had any suggestions. One suggestion Martyn mentioned was { }.

Given my lack of experience with threads and event machine, this at first this struck me as dirty/scary and I was not sure if he was serious.

I did a bit of research and discovered he was not only serious, but people we doing it. The AMQP gem even recommends it in the Readme.

Read the whole thing. It is wonderfully detailed.

Post external references

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