Rubinius X as the future of Ruby

(written by lawrence krubner, however indented passages are often quotes). You can contact lawrence at:, or follow me on Twitter.


The internet has caused a fundamental change in general computing, yet many programming languages are solidly centered in the Windows 3.0 era, providing their equivalent to the Windows for Workgroups add-on to enable networking. Unfortunately, Ruby is one of those languages.

To be relevant today, a programming language must provide simple yet powerful facilities for composition and collaboration. A language does not need general immutable state, purely pure functions, or complex type systems, no matter how inferred.

Rubinius X is an experiment in modernizing Ruby. Rubinius X can be imagined as a time machine that brings the future to the present, enabling us to write modern programs now.

The Rubinius X vision to enable composition and collaboration for programs, components, and systems is detailed below. These ideas will be tested through building useful concurrent and distributed applications.

I think many Ruby programmers are drifting to languages such as jRuby or Go or Clojure. Rubinius X sounds like a sincere attempt to save classic Ruby. This sounds good:

Promises and Non-blocking IO

Concurrency is essential for programs that collaborate or compose other components to efficiently use modern hardware. There are many approaches to concurrency. Promises compose well and are naturally represented in an object-oriented language.

Ruby presently only provides threads as a concurrency mechanism. Threads are a primitive construct and difficult to use well. They do not compose easily and can be too costly to use as a general solution to many computing tasks.

Of the major script languages (Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby) the usual pattern for absorbing a new idea is that Ruby does everything first and PHP does everything last.

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