Ruby reinvented to look like Clojure

(written by lawrence krubner, however indented passages are often quotes). You can contact lawrence at:, or follow me on Twitter.

To be clear, I like everything about Thomas Reynolds “Weird Ruby”:

# The standard "record" that contains information about a file on disk.
SourceFile = :relative_path, :full_path,
                        :directory, :types

# Find a file given a type and path.
# @param [Symbol] type The file "type".
# @param [String] path The file path.
# @param [Boolean] glob If the path contains wildcard or glob.
# @return [Middleman::SourceFile, nil]
Contract Symbol, String, Maybe[Bool] => Maybe[SourceFile]
def find(type, path, glob=false)
    .select { |d| d.type == type }
    .map { |d| d.find(path, glob) }

A Record, represented as a Struct in Ruby, is simply a Hash which has pre-defined its keys. This allows you to treat data that represents some item in a predictable way rather than constantly checking for keys or creating a Class which “models” the data.

# The standard “record” that contains information about a file on disk.
SourceFile = :relative_path, :full_path,
:directory, :types

These days, I’m not a big fan of Classes or inheritance, so the idea of attaching methods to a Class that only works in one context is not appealing. When I use a Record instead, I just get pure data, which is well named, and my methods can either pretend it is a normal Hash or ask if it’s a SourceFile and do something special.

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