The Clojure workflow still suffers and the REPL is not a cure all

(written by lawrence krubner, however indented passages are often quotes). You can contact lawrence at:, or follow me on Twitter.

Stuff like this happens to me:

Here is a scenario that you might recognize. You’ve done a pretty substantial refactor, including new dependencies in project.clj. You need to bounce the REPL. Knowing that this will take forever you immediately switch to Prismatic. 15 minutes later you look at your Emacs again where you notice that there is a syntax error so the REPL didn’t launch. You parse the impossibly long stack trace and fix the bug. cider-jack-in again and switch back to HipChat. 10 minutes passes, you look again, still doesn’t compile. Rinse and repeat. 1 hour have now passed and you finally got your REPL back, but you’ve completely forgotten what you were doing so you decide to go out for a coffee.

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