Working with monoids

(written by lawrence krubner, however indented passages are often quotes). You can contact lawrence at:, or follow me on Twitter.


Simply put, Monoids describe types containing a binary function and an identity value.

When applied to the identity value and a random value x, said function leaves its argument x untouched, returning it as a result.
This short description should be enough to get the conversation started.

Here’s how Haskell defines a Monoid:

class Monoid m where
mempty :: m
mappend :: m -> m -> m
mconcat :: [m] -> m
mconcat ms = foldr mappend mempty ms

This type introduces three new functions so let’s walk through each one of them:

mempty – I started with a lie since mempty isn’t actually a function. You can think of it as a constant of the same type of the Monoid m. It is this monoid’s identity value.

mappend – A poorly named function, mappend is the binary function I mentioned earlier. It receives two arguments of type m and returns a value of type m

mconcat – It receives a list of Monoids m and reduces them to a single Monoid of type m. What’s interesting about this snippet is that the Monoid type class provides a default implementation for mconcat: it simply calls foldr with the binary function mappend, a starting value of mempty and the list of Monoid values ms

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