Bitch says

(written by lawrence krubner, however indented passages are often quotes). You can contact lawrence at:, or follow me on Twitter.

[ this post was originally published on a weblog called What Is Liberalism ]

Down with a world in which the guarantee that we will not die of starvation has been purchased with the guarantee that we will die of bordeom.
-Situationist graffitti
Paris 1968

This is the opening quote to Elizabeth Wurtzel’s, “Bitch In Praise of Difficult Women” My only complaint about the book, which I am clearly just beginning, is the cover. What woman wants to carry around a book with a naked woman baring her back gazing over her shoulder at you. This cover image has prevented me from reading the book. I don’t read most chic magazines for this reason. The mascara-laden lashes and the bleached hair suggest that the book was marketed to a different audience. A friend suggested that the market was just emerging “back then” to accept partial nudity in publications… in 1998?!? I don’t think so. Maybe it was cutting edge for Doubleday Press, but not bitchy enough for me. Sultry and sexy are not automatically synonymous with intelligent and autonomous. I may have to staple a brown bag to the front to be able to get through it.
