Is Russ Feingold worth supporting for President in 2008?

(written by lawrence krubner, however indented passages are often quotes). You can contact lawrence at:, or follow me on Twitter.

[ this post was originally published on a weblog called What Is Liberalism ]

I don’t know a damn thing about Russ Feingold. I do, however, have a great respect for the opinions of Avedon Carol and Lindsay Beyerstein, so I am intrigued that they disagree so completely regarding Feingold.

This is what Avedon Carol says:

David Podvin’s “It only hurts when you breathe” mentions something I missed:

In keeping with America’s continuing political narrative, the confirmation of Samuel Alito resembled a reactionary chainsaw ripping through liberal chickenshit. Russ Feingold foreshadowed the outcome when the Wisconsin Democrat revealed that his caucus had decided to de-emphasize social issues. Democratic senators knew that polls showed the Alito nomination would become unpopular if the judge’s anti-Roe views were emphasized, but their priority was to avoid antagonizing fundamentalist voters whom they perceive as having given the GOP its majority. The champions of the underdog took a dive, and so the Supreme Court is now controlled by Federalist Society members who despise the liberal rank and file.

You know what? I think this, right there, shows why you’re nuts if you think Feingold should be the Democratic candidate for the presidency.

And this is what Lindsay Beyerstein says:

One question: If you had $100 to invest politically, where would it go?

$20 to the Haven Coaliton,…

$20 to the Center for Authentic Journalism…

$20 to the Investigative Fund…

$20 to the ACLU…

$20 invested at interest until Russ Feingold declares his bid for the 2008 nomination

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