(written by lawrence krubner, however indented passages are often quotes). You can contact lawrence at: lawrence@krubner.com, or follow me on Twitter.

[Originally published on a weblog called “What Is Liberalism?”]

Written by Laura Denyes

I may not be an old-timer in the blog world, but I’m no newbie to advocating for a cause I care about’, ‘(background info on Cory Maye)

Hi, everyone. It’s me… pounding on everyone’s door again… will you sign a petition? With a legal defense fund already established, every little bit helps, and it is a simple step to state your opposition to the death sentence of Cory Maye. Petitions are a great method of rallying support. Open to all feedback and revision. Let me know if there is a better way to state the collective ideals of those in support of this cause.The following mock-up will be live in the next few days if not tomorrow. Will make a pdf available for downloading, printing and collecting pen and ink signatures in your neighborhoods.

At the risk of accusations of poor planning and lack of careful thought, I would like to get the ball rolling on this petition business. Of course we’d like to flesh out some legal details before folks start signing… we wouldn’t want the wording to change your intent to sign after the fact. Calling for all legal advice…

Our ultimate goal is to generate publicity and we need to be careful about wording as we hope this will eventually be duplicated in the main stream media. We are serious and would like to be taken seriously. My question for you, what are our options? How do we go about doing this? I do not want to embarass myself and everyone who has agreed to sign with amateur wording of this petition. Can you recommend where to start so that we are clear in our message?

And thanks again, folks.

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