The 1990s were the high water-mark for a certain kind of conservatism

(written by lawrence krubner, however indented passages are often quotes). You can contact lawrence at:, or follow me on Twitter.

[Originally published on a weblog called “What Is Liberalism?”]

Andrew Sullivan:

History might eventually judge that the 1990s was the high water-mark for a certain kind of conservatism – smaller but more effective government. Ironic it happened under a Democratic president.

Truly. And though I didn’t like him at the time, Newt Gingrich was good at defending the liberal traditions within the Republican party, especially the ideal of limited government. However, Gingrich destroyed himself, and the Republican party was damaged, when he tried to impeach Clinton for having sex with an intern and lying about it. This demonstrates the limits the Republican suffer when their base is Southern Christian conservatives. The potential for helping America win a smaller, more effective government is secondary to making moral judgements about sex. Though Clinton was obviously in the wrong, which was the greater cause, winning a smaller government, or punishing Clinton for some sex and lies?

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